Educational Passages Podcast
Educational Passages Podcast
This episode of the Educational Passages podcast is about miniboats in Newfoundland and Labrador, and how the Raven KASTER miniboat project which started back in 2018, is continuing into 2023. Joining the episode is Thomas Sheppard and features a recording of the “Raven KASTER Podkast” with Thomas and students Stephanie and Kaitlyn.
People and programs mentioned are all found on their respective boat pages as follows:
To learn more about the Raven KASTER Relaunch Project, and find out how to get involved, please visit the boat’s page here.
Track all miniboats currently at sea from https://educationalpassages.org/events/atsea/
If you would like to send us feedback please email: info@educationalpassages.org
Educational Passages is a non-profit organization that seeks to connect people around the world to the ocean and each other through unique global experiences.